Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stand Still

Not much has been happening, and I've been finding it hard to write anything lately. I am sensing that that is the theme going around here lately. I'm convinced it's the weather and the gloomy days that have been happening. Today however I have the day off and am feeling pretty productive. Or there is just something bothering me and I've turned to cleaning. I'm not sure which is right right now. I'm still feeling very frustrated with the job search and everyone keeps saying that it's a bad economy and that with time something will pop up, but I am not a very patient person when it comes to waiting, so this is killing me. Hopefully this will end soon enough and I'll be able to go to a brand new job and I can start another chapter in my life.

On to happier and less stressful news. Chancho is still waiting to hear about his DVO application. (Domestic Violence Officer) He spoke to his Sergeant and he gave him his blessings, the Sergeant that would be his new one is pushing hard for him to get the position. It seems that he will most likely get the position, but we still have to wait to hear if he does. Fingers are still crossed.
This Friday a roommate from college will be in town and plans are being made to see one another on Monday. I'm really excited. It's not that often that I get to see anyone from school, let alone a roommate. The 8 hour drive seems to really put a damper on things when it comes to visiting one another. But none the less she will be here and I cannot wait to see her. Chancho has overtime and a dentist appointment on Monday so it will be a perfect opportunity to see her. She has just given me a great excuse to keep myself busy while he's working.
Tonight my uncle is staying over, he too is in town, he comes from Long Island, but will be here running errands and needed a place to crash. He is a retired detective. He retired about 2 years ago now. His wife has been helpful in giving me some hints on keeping myself sane while dating a cop. They've been married for 25 years. It will be nice to see him since I haven't seen or spoken to him since June. They live in Ireland for the majority of the year since they built a house there a few years back. Which means that I need to get back to my cleaning so he has some place to sleep tonight.

Quote of the Day: "The sun's going to shine, and the rain's going to fall, and in the end you might get burnt or wet, but hey, that's life. So dance in the puddles and bathe in the sun, and at the end of the day, smile. Everything's going to be all right." 

Listening To: "Fireflies" by Owl City

1 comment:

  1. oh wow Ireland! Thats awesome.I hope chancho gets the position its seems like he will. And yes I blame not only the weather but with holidays around the corner, blogging gets pushed to the wayside!
